Application for Admission

Write Application Prayer for Admission

Suppose, your father is a government employee who has been recently transferred Chittagong to Dhaka. Now write an application to the Headmaster of a High School in Dhaka for admission.

The Headmaster


I have the honour to state that I was a student if class VII in Chittagong govt. High School. My father is a Govt. employee. He has been recently transferred from Chittagong to Dhaka. Now it is not possible for me to continue my studies there. So I want to get myself admitted into your school because this is one of the best schools in Dhaka.

I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to great my prayer foradmission into your school and oblige thereby.

I remain
Your most obedient,

Application for Seat in the Hostel

Write Application Prayer for a seat in the hostel

Suppose, you are a student of English Composition High School and you father has been transferred to a new place. Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for a seat in the schoolhostel.

The Headmaster
English Composition High School, Online.


I have the honour to state that I am a student of class nine of your school. But recently my father has been transferred from Online to Dhaka. Here I have no relative to reside with. So I am badly in need of a seat in your school hostel.

I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to great me a seat in the hostel and oblige thereby.

I remain
Your most obedient pupil,
Class-IX, Roll No-1001

A Fisherman

Write a paragraph on ‘A Fisherman’ describing his activities, his pleasures and pains.
paragraph, paragraph a fisherman, fishing, write a paragraph, fisherman,

A fisherman is he who lives by catching and selling fishes. Generally a fisherman lives in a village near a river or a sea. He catches fish in the seas, rivers, haors, beels and ponds.  He works hard all day and night. He is often seen making new nets and repairing old ones. Most of the fishermen are poor. They have no net or boat. So they work in groups. The life of a fisherman is very risky. He often has to go to fish at night in the big rivers or in the seas. During the stormy nights the members of his family remain anxious for his safe return. Though fishing is challenging it is interesting too. When he catches a lot of fish, his joy knows no bounds. After all a fisherman does much good to us by supplying fishes.

A Bus Stand

Write a paragraph on ‘A Bus Stand’. Mention what is a bus stand, what happens there, what do the hawkers do and how it plays in communication.

Paragraph A Bus Stand

a bus stand, easy wirting, paragraph, paragraph bus stand, write a paragraph,

A bus stand is a crowded place where buses stand and state from. The people gather there and wait impatiently for a bus to come. When a bus comes from a long distance the station becomes very busy. Passengers get into and get down from the buses. Shouts of the helpers and conductors are heard continuously. At some bus stands do not have sheds. The passengers have to wait in the burning sun or in the rain there. In some bus stands there are ticket counters. Passengers stand in a long line to buy tickets. There are small shops at a bus stand. In some bus stands there are book stalls and restaurants. The hawkers sell betel leaf, bread, cigarettes etc. Sometimes seasonal fruits are also sold in a bus stand. After all, a bus stand plays an important role in communication. So Government should take proper steps for the improvement of a bus stand.

A Village Market

Essay Writing A Village Market

a village market, essay, essay village market, essay writing, village,


A village market is a place where the villages meet to buy and sell things. It is a buying and selling center for the villagers. Generally it sits every morning. Besides, big markets sit once or twice a week.

Place/Site/Location/Where held:

A village market generally stands at a place where people can easily come for buying and selling things. So it usually stands at the junction of roads or by the side of a river or a canal. Large banyan trees are let grown to give shade and shelter.

Kinds of village market:

There are two kinds of village market. They are daily market and weekly market. Daily market is called ‘Bazar’. It sits daily in the morning. Weekly market is called ‘Hat’. It sits once or twice a week in the evening.

Description/ Arrangement of shops/ Commodities available:

A village market has three parts like open space, temporary shed and permanent shed. In the open space the sellers sit in rows. Fish, milk, fruits, betel leaves, vegetables etc. are sold here. In the temporary sheds oil, rice, salt, pepper etc. are sold. Some grocers, tailors, doctors, potters etc. sit in the permanent shed.


The village market is very useful to the villages. Here they get all things of daily use. It saves the villages from going to distant places to buy things. It is the meeting place of the villages. The villages find a social and friendly life here.

Disadvantages/Demerits/ Draw backs:

A village market has some disadvantages too. It is a noisy and unhealthy place. The pickpockets gather there.


The village market does great service to the rural people. It is the backbone of the rural economy.

Letter Your father about Preparation for Examination

    Suppose, you are Kamal and your S.S.C. Examination is near at hand. Your father has wanted to know about your preparation. Now, write a letter to your father telling him about your preparation for the exam.


Kotbari, Comilla.
15th January, 2014.

My dear father,

        Your letter is just to hand. You wanted to know how far I have prepared myself for the ensuing S.S.C. examination. Our S.S.C examination will begin from the 16th February, 2014. you will be glad to learn that I have made a fair progress in all the subjects. You know I am weak in Mathematics. But under the guidance of a private teacher, I have made batter progress in it. I hope I shall get full marks in this subject. I am still working hard. I expect to come out successful at least in the first division. Pray to Allah for my success.

        I am well. With best regards to you and mother.

Your Loving Son,


Application for a Transfer Certificate

Write Application Prayer for a transfer certificate

       Suppose, you are a student of English Composition High School and you father has recently been transferred to a new place.  You have to go with him and leave this place and study in another place. Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a transfer certificate.

The Headmaster


I have to honour to state that I am a student of class X of your school. My father is a Govt. officer. He has been transferred from here to Dhaka. Our family is going to be shifted to the new place. Here I have no relative to reside with. So now it is not possible for me to continue my studies in your school.

I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me transfer certificate on receipt of the usual fees.

I remain
Your most obedient pupil,
Class-X, Roll No-1001

A Book Fair

Write a paragraph on ‘A Book Fair’. Mention specially its origin, place of holding, opportunity of having a varied book, its importance.

Paragraph A Book Fair

A book fair is an attractive fair where different types of books are displayed. Now-a-days it has become very popular. In our country many book fairs are held in different places every year. The two main book fairs held in our country are the Ekushe Boi Mela and the Dhaka Boi Mela. Other small-scale fairs are also held in some other occasions including the new year day. A book fair may last for a week or even a month. Hundreds of publishers and book stalls participate in a book fair. The stalls are nicely decorated. Now book of new writers are largely and eagerly displayed in the fair. Beside, various types of books are displayed and sold there. New writers as well as the famous get together in a book fair. Seminars and cultural programmes are also held in such a fair. Common people forget the complexities of day to day to day life coming in a book fair. The compound of a book fair is, therefore, always crowdy. It gives us much pleasure and at the same time reminds us that books are our best companions.

Letter To Your Father Requesting Send Your Money

Suppose, you are Tareq and you have been promoted to a new class. You have now to buy books for the new classes. Your school dress has also to be bought. But now you don’t have money.


Kotbari, Comilla.
4th January, 2014.

My dear father,

        I received your letter yesterday. The result of our Annual examination is just out. You will be glad to learn that I have stood first in order of merit. Our new session is going to begin from the 10th January, 2014. So I shall have to buy new books. My school dress has also to be bought. Now I require TK. 2000.00 for the purposes. But now I have no money. So please try to send the money as soon as possible.

        I am well. With best regards to you and mother.

Your Loving Son,



Essay Writing  Value of  Newspaper


Man is naturally curious to know about various events of the world. The newspaper is the best medium to satisfy this curiosity. It is a paper that carries news to us. It tells us what is happening at home and abroad. It is the store-house of knowledge and information.


The newspaper was first published in china. The Indian gazette published in 1774 was the first printed newspaper of this sub-continent. The first Bengali newspaper was the ‘Samachar Darpan’.

Varieties/ Kinds of newspapers:

there are many kinds of newspapers. They are dailies, weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies, pictorials etc. The daily newspapers contain the news of daily affairs of home and abroad. So the daily newspaper is popular with all sections of people. The other papers publish stories, poems, essays etc. They are known as periodicals and magazines.

Newspaper in Bangladesh:

The Ittefaq, The Dainik Bangla, The Azad, The Inkilad, The Jogantar, The Prothom Alo, The Sangbad, The Bangladesh Observer and The Bangladesh Times are the main daily newspapers in Bangladesh. The Bitchitre, The Bartaman Dinkal and The Chaya Chanda are the main weekly magazines. The Chitra Bangla and The Ananda Bitchitra are the main monthly magazines.


Newspaper is very useful to all sections of people. We cannot think of modern world without it. It has made the world smaller. Through it we can learn all important things what happen in the world within twenty four hours. It helps people to express opinions. It also helps publicity. It has also a great educative value. Reports of market conditions, games and sports, political and economical situation of the country come to us through newspapers every day.


A newspaper is not altogether free from evils. It has some demerits also. Sometimes it publishes false or partisan news. It excites public feelings.


Inspite of its defects newspaper is the most useful thing in modern life. We cannot think of a say without it. The more we read newspaper, the more we can acquire knowledge. It is a looking glass of the modern world. So we should read newspaper regularly.

Application for a Testimonial

Write Application Prayer for a Testimonial

Suppose, you are a student of English Composition High School and you have passed the S.S.C Exam this year. You intend to get yourself admitted into a college. So you require a testimonial there for admission. Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a testimonial.

The Headmaster
English Composition High School, Online.

Sub: Prayer for a testimonial.


I beg most respectfully to state that I had been a student of your school for the last five years. I passed the S.S.C Examination from your school in 2013 in science group veering Roll Dagon. No-101101. I was placed in the first division. Now I wish to get to get my self admitted into a college. So I need a testimonial from you.

I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial referring to my character, academic records and other activities during the period. I was in your school.

I remain
Your most obedient pupil,
Roll Dagon. No-101101.